
Saturday, 23 May 2015

Revover the files from harddisk or usb drives

Can we recover the files that have been deleted or recover the entire drive even it is formatted ?
Answer is Yes and No.
Before going to the methodology of recovering , let us understand what happens when we delete something.
As we all know that the data is stored in the form of 0's and 1's .
If any file is to be deleted, general convention is that all 0's and 1's should be converted to 0's but don't you think it is time taking process . so when you delete the file(s) or format , then the master file table reference, which merely tells the operating system where the file was located gets removed. Essentially, you're only removing the map to the data—not the data itself—while also giving the operating system permission to overwrite that area of the hard drive.so the answer is YES as it allows us to recover the data.
How to recover the data ?
Download test disk (http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk) and follow the instructions in the site
Answer is No as the entire 0's and 1's are converted to 1's if your not doing quick format .

Files getting disappeared in removal drives

In present days it has been observed that many of the removable drives (pen drives, memory cards) when removed from some of the systems ,the files in it gets disappeared but the properties of the drive shows some size is occupied by the files . u can recover the disappeared files by opening computer , then opening the removable disk drive and typing *.* in the search box .The files will be displayed and select all the files ,cut and paste the files in the removable disk drive location.
Refer below if u want to know why it happens
The files which appeared to be disappeared were moved to a folder named space (which can be obtained by typing Alt+255 or Alt + 0160) which is different from space generated by pressing space bar(This space cannot be used to name a folder as folder name doesn't contain spaces) and the graphical view of folder usually yellow is changed to white which in turn makes the folder invisible.Finally, u are typing *.* in the search bcoz * is a wildcard character which stands for multiple characters in windows platform.

Thursday, 26 February 2015

Setting up XAMPP

XAMPP is the most popular PHP development environment .Infact it is a Apache distribution containing MySQL, PHP, and Perl .

This post describes of basic installation of XAMPP in windows and Linux.
If there are any problems in installation
Visit   http://devendradora.blogspot.in/2015/02/problems-in-installation-of-xampp.html

Setting up of environment

1) Download the software from https://www.apachefriends.org/index.html
    ** You can find the software for most of the os like linux based (ubuntu,fedora) ,Windows , OSX etc. (For 32 bit systems choose x86 file and x64 file for 64 bit systems)

For windows OS
2) Once your download is complete, install the program, click on Run.

3) Accept the default settings and click on NEXT ....and then on Finish.

4) Now open Xampp control panel .

5) Start the Apache and MySQL . You can also start the other components, if you want to use them.

6) Open  any webbrowser(Mozilla , Chrome ,opera) and type localhost or in the address bar .

7) A page appears that offers you to choose language . Click on the language of your preference.

8) Welcome page of xampp is displayed.  

For more details visit http://www.wikihow.com/Install-XAMPP-for-Windows

For Linux based OS

2)Once your download is complete, navigate to the location of your downloaded  file say the file name is xampp-linux-x64-5.6.3-0-installer .
If your system is dual boot with windows make sure that you move the downloaded file to the location which is only used by linux as there may be some permission issues if it is in shared location of windows and linux.

Open terminal (CTRL + ALT + T ) and change your directory to specified location . For e.g  cd Downloads

3)Make the file executable  
  sudo chmod +x   xampp-linux-x64-5.6.3-0-installer 
**sudo means root access ,+x means executable 

4) sudo ./ xampp-linux-x64-5.6.3-0-installer  

5) Accept the default settings and click on NEXT ....and then on Finish.

6)To start Xampp (basically called lampp in linux)

 sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start

7) Open  any webbrowser(Mozilla , Chrome ,opera) and type localhost or in the address bar .

8) A page appears that offers you to choose language . Click on the language of your preference.

9) Welcome page of xampp is displayed.  

For more details http://www.wikihow.com/Install-XAMPP-on-Linux

Problems in installation of XAMPP ?
Visit   http://devendradora.blogspot.in/2015/02/problems-in-installation-of-xampp.html

If everthing goes fine until now then you have installed XAMPP successfully.

For Windows OS 
a) Navigate to installation directory of Xampp and open htdocs.
 eg.  c:/>xampp/htdocs
  ** htdocs : It is the location where you can place your various web projects.

b) Create a folder named say webdev

c) Create a sample html or php file say  login.php or login.html

d) Open  web browser and type  
localhost/webdev/login.php or in the address bar 
e)Your web page gets displayed.

For Linux OS 

a) Navigate to installation directory of Xampp and open htdocs.
 eg.  open terminal CTRL+ ALT + T and then type following commands

       cd /opt/lampp/htdocs

  ** htdocs : It is the location where you can place your various web projects.

b) Create a folder named say webdev
     mkdir webdev
     cd webdev

c) Create a sample html or php file say  login.php or login.html

d) Open  web browser and type  
localhost/webdev/login.php or in the address bar . If access denied then in the terminal , type 
   chmod +755 webdev   

e) Your web page gets displayed.


Problems in installation of XAMPP ?

Some common Errors:

a)Apache shutdown unexpectedly.
This may be due to a blocked port, missing dependencies.
Possible Solutions:
Most of the times these errors are due to the same port (Default :80) is used by some other services say Internet Information Services (IIS) ,Skype etc.

Possible solutions :

So either these services can be turned off or port of the apache should be changed to solve the above the problems.

Method1 :
Steps :
-> open your xampp control panel then click its "config"
-> choose the "Apache (httpd.conf)" and find this code below and change it into this one:
# change this to Listen on specific IP addresses as shown below
# to prevent Apache from glomming onto all bound IP addresses.
# Listen
# Listen [::]:80
Listen 80
->save it (ctrl + s)
->Click again on config
-> choose "Apache (httpd-ssl.conf)" find this code below and change it again:
# Note: Configurations that use IPv6 but not IPv4-mapped addresses need two
# Listen directives: "Listen [::]:443" and "Listen"
# Listen
# Listen [::]:443
Listen 443
->save it (ctrl + s)

Method 2 : Change the port 80 to some other port say 81
steps :
-> open your xampp control panel then click its "config"
-> choose the "Apache (httpd.conf)"
->Change line
Listen 80 to Listen 81
-> Change line
ServerName localhost:80 to ServerName localhost:81
->start the apache

Method 3 :Turning off the IIS server
Steps :
-> Go to the "control panel" -> "Programs & Features" -> "Turn Windows On or Off".
-> Uncheck your "Internet Information Services" then click ok.
Still doesn't Work ?
No problem ,have you installed any virtual machines such as vmware ?

Method 4:
If you have VMWare Workstation installed , the option to share VM's is listening to port 443. That is preventing an Apache-server to start (xampp).
-> open vmware software
-> Choose Edit > Preferences > Share VM's
and change 443 to some other value for instance
->Start the apache server

Hope this works !!!