
Sunday, 15 September 2013

Want to browse anything on the internet ?

We are all aware of the fact that we have no freedom in accessing some of the sites and even some of the sites are blocked from accessing in some of the countries ....In order to make all the sites acessible , u can download a software and  enjoy the freedom of browsing ,but downloading of this software is also blocked.
so , inorder to facilitate the downloading the software visit  https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_IS9V1cHAc_S0FfVGVPdXNZRG8/edit?usp=sharing
and download the software....
Here are the few steps u should follow after downloading the software
->Extract the file to a particular location by clicking on it  and selecting the desired location
->open the file (screen shot is shown over here )
->click on options and then choose proxy settings and enter the proxy settings if u know in manual proxy settings if u know (recommended) or choose auto detect proxy 
->click on OK ,OK and status of connecting to the server is displayed over there .Make sure that in status "Successfully connected to server is displayed " else click retry
->Now open the browser u want and enter the proxy settings as in ipaddress or http proxy  and port as 9666  .......click ok .Now u can enjoy the freedom of browsing..

For more u can also visit  https://www.facebook.com/csedevgroup