
Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Files disappered in removable drives ??

In present days it has been observed that many of the removable drives (pen drives, memory cards) when removed from some of the systems ,the files in it gets disappeared but the properties of the drive shows some size is occupied by the files . u can recover the disappeared files by opening computer , then opening the removable disk drive and typing *.* in the search box .The files will be displayed and select all the files ,cut and paste the files in the removable disk drive location.
Refer below if u want to know why it happens
The files which appeared to be disappeared were moved to a folder named space (which can be obtained by typing Alt+255 or Alt + 0160) which is different from space generated by pressing space bar(This space cannot be used to name a folder as folder name doesn't contain spaces) and the graphical view of folder usually yellow is changed to white which in turn makes the folder invisible.Finally, u are typing *.* in the search bcoz * is a wildcard character which stands for multiple characters in windows platform

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Fast start-up is achieved in Windows 8 and the impact of fast start up when window8 is dual boot with other os say ubuntu ?

How  fast start-up is achieved in Windows 8  and impact of fast start up when window8 is dual booted with ubuntu ?
 Fast start-up  (also called ‘hybrid boot’), which is based on the ‘hibernation’ feature that came with older versions of Windows. ‘Hybrid boot’ lets Windows 8 to boot really fast, and it is also enabled automatically when you shut down your computer too.
Hibernation feature just places the data on RAM on to the harddisk drive before shutting down.This results in a significant reduction in startup time. It’s faster because resuming the hibernated system session is comparatively less work than doing a full system
initialization.This is the reason why hibernation option is not seen on power menu.
   However when windows 8 is dual boot with say ubuntu os, after shutting down Windows 8, if the next time you boot into Ubuntu and tried to access Windows 8′s OS partition, then it will give you a warning saying that, that partition is hibernated etc and won’t let you mount it.
   This problem can be solved by either of the ways
--->Disable Turn on fast start up (search for power options > choose what the power buttons do on the left >click on change settings that are currently unavailable >uncheck the Turn on fast start up ......u can aslo turn ON the Hibernation to be shown on the power menu
--->press and hold the ‘Shift’ key while choosing ‘Shut down’ in Windows 8 as this too disables the ‘fast start-up’ for that session.
--->You can reboot back to Windows 8 and then choose ‘Restart’ as when restarting, Windows 8 automatically disables the so called ‘fast start-up’ feature.(This is the reason why restart in windows takes moretime to boot)
--->you can change a setting in Ubuntu so it will manually remove the ‘hiberfile.sys’ file on the OS partition, thus enabling you to access its data with read-write permissions.

Friday, 2 August 2013

Develop addons for Mozilla Firefox

Wow it has been a great experience, developing addons for Mozilla Firefox and the developing addons was much easier as compared to other platforms and was very happy to be a part of such a huge open source community.
Here the two addons developed for Mozilla Firefox browser
1) HumanCharacterGuess Addon (You can know about who u are by entering date of birth) Download link https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/humancharacterguess/

2)FlipChat Addon (It converts the text entered upside down and reverse) Download link https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/fliptextchat/

Does system slow down or struck when playing games ???

Does ur system slow down or struck when playing games on battery power as compared to system connected to external power supply ?
Do u know why ?
It is due to the fact that the system's power and bios settings decrease the clock speed to increase the battery life and performance and if there are 2 GPU's (Intel on-board graphics and any other graphic card ),then the system on battery tend to use Intel on-board graphics as much as possible....
Of course , u can change the bios settings to increase the clock speed and to use both graphic cards but it may overheat the components ,decrease its life cycle and may void warranty.(over clocking is not recommended)

Build applications for Firefox OS

Want to build applications for Firefox OS?
Building apps for firefox os made easier than any other platform...
no developer kit needed,moreover no developer fees ,no new programming languages to learn. You can start building apps for Firefox OS today, using nothing more than HTML, CSS and a little JavaScript.
By the way i started developing app for firefox os this evening and right now ,my app HCG is in the firefox marketplace .Download link https://marketplace.firefox.com/app/humancharacterguess/

Infact,the main idea behind Firefox OS is simple: building apps for the mobile web using exactly the same tools and languages as the desktop web.No special APIs, no native code, no special programs or tools to "extend", "accelerate" or "optimize" HTML or CSS